Nuts N’ More Pumpkin Spice Peanut Butter Purchase

Nuts N' More Pumpkin Spice Peanut Butter Purchase

I was at the Empty Bottle drinking last Friday checking out the Farewell Milwaukee show when I got a text from my sister asking if I was watching “Shark Tank”? Since I was at the show she told me about a company named Nuts ‘N More that were on the show doing their pitch and that they had a Pumpkin Spice flavored Peanut Butter. My family likes to think that I have three loves. Owls (long story), peanut butter, and pumpkin anything. Well this combined 2 of the 3! Maybe they can put on owl on their packaging in the future for the trifecta but thats a pipe dream. I told my wife about the company and she immediately took out her phone to check out the website and before I knew it she had ordered Pumpkin Spice PB and Chocolate Almond Butter and after shipping we dropped $30 on our order. This was clearly a drunken order but I am so happy we made the purchase. Both flavors are delicious and the Pumpkin Spice will be worth the price for any Pumpkin lover out there! They also mix in whey protein (14 grams a serving), flax, and Omega 3’s with no added sugars. So while it may be a little pricey if you want to treat yourself check it out!

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January 16, 2014 · 9:19 pm

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