Monthly Archives: May 2013

Mobb Deep Live 20th Anniversary Tour Tonight!

Mobb Deep Live 20th Anniversary Tour Tonight!

I have been to hundreds of concerts but never a rap show. I have been listening to Prodigy and Havoc aka Mobb Deep since “The Infamous” in 1995 and they have always been my favorite rap group. They have never been mainstream but they command respect from anyone that knows rap. It’s been a long time in the making but if anyone is gonna pop my rap concert cherry I’m glad its these guys.

Mobb Deep “Quiet Storm”

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May 9, 2013 · 8:11 pm

Deer Tick Live from The City Winery in Chicago, IL

Deer Tick Live from The City Winery in Chicago, IL

What a great show! When Deer Tick started setting up last night it started to become apparent that they would have no drummer. I had read that their drummer had a death in his family but I figured maybe they would find a fill in but that wasn’t the case. So this show was a more scaled down acoustic type show which I was very cool with. Lead singer John McCauley even made reference to MTV’s Alice N’ Chains Unplugged as well as joking their show was sponsored by Mike’s Hard Lemonade’s new Blood Orange Flavor (which he bought at a gas station in Missouri and drank quickly before switching back to Budweiser’s). The crowd was very receptive to this pleasant acoustic surprise and when they opened with “Ashamed” it set the tone for a great show. They also played “Easy”, “Smith Hill”, “20 Miles”, “Dirty Dishes” (with all 4 members harmonizing), “Art Isn’t Real” and a John Prine cover of “Mexican Home”.   They sounded great and provided many “O Face” moments when they were singing (as pictured).  I would recommend City Winery for a show as well.  It’s not the cheapest place ($6 PBR Tall Boys, $6 Goose Island Matilda’s, and many wine’s to choose from) but the building and atmosphere are worth it!  Just have a few drinks at home before the show and you will be good to go.

The City Winery made a special Deer Tick vintage for the night!

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May 8, 2013 · 8:24 pm

Deer Tick Show Tonight!

Deer Tick Show Tonight!

I have seen Deer Tick twice but its been a few years. I’ll be checking them out tonight at the City Winery which sounds like a pretty cool intimate venue here in Chicago. Should make for a nice little Tuesday night. Concert review to follow. Here are a few of my favorites. Also click on picture to check out Deer Tick’s website.

Deer Tick “Ashamed”

Deer Tick “Smith Hill”

Deer Tick “Easy”

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May 7, 2013 · 9:00 pm

Urban Nature Brings Me Happiness – Whip-Poor-Will Addition

Urban Nature Brings Me Happiness - Whip-Poor-Will Addition

Living in the third largest city in America sometimes make me feel like I am losing touch with nature. Sure from time to time I will travel to our countries great National Parks and State Forests to rekindle the flame with my first love but I always end up back into the daily urban grind. Nature never lets me forget her though. Every once in a while she will send me a subtle reminder of why I love her and what makes her so beautiful. A message that almost seems personal because in the fast paced city life no one else really seems to take notice. Tonight was such an instance. As darkness fell on a beautiful spring day I settled into my couch and flipped back and forth between the NBA Playoffs and Law & Order SVU when I heard a beautiful call coming from the dark alley. It echoed off the two brick apartment building walls like they were the sides of a canyon. At first I thought it was too loud to be a bird and that it was probably someone using a bird whistle which are common souvenirs from Latin America. But my inner child always curious with nature and wildlife beckoned me to the window. The call continued but I couldn’t see anyone in the alley. Just the dumpsters and parked cars remaining motionless. Silence, yet I still waited and listened and watch from my window. Then a blur of feathers flew right past my window and did a quick 180 for another fly by before disappearing into the night. What was it? I had to know. I had a hunch but needed to check my Audubon phone app to be sure. I typed in Whip and searched. It was too dark to get a visual identification so I went to Voice and played “song #1 (eastern) VA” and sure enough the beautiful night call belonged to a Whip-poor-will. I had never heard its call before and never expected to hear it in a alley in Lincoln Park, Chicago! It’s hard to believe a bird with this beautiful of a call was once suspected of witchery and called a “Goatsucker”. I guess if you see ones eyes of deep ruby red in the headlights like I did in Costa Rica you might believe. Now I can see why songs have been written about this bird!  Here are two of my favorites.

Magnolia Electric Co “Whip Poor Will”
RIP Jason Molina

Doug Burr “Whippoorwill” Live 2008

To hear the Whip-poor-will call click on its picture.  Now get out there and enjoy NATURE!!!

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May 2, 2013 · 3:21 am