New Lucero EP “Texas & Tennessee”

One of my favorite bands Lucero (Not to be confused with the sexy Latin American superstar who shares the same name) just released a new 4 song EP titled “Texas & Tennessee”. Two of the songs I have heard live including the band playing the title track “Texas & Tennessee” twice at a January show at the Metro in Chicago. The song got a louder reaction the second time it was played which says a lot for a NEW song from a band with a loyal fan base and 7 Albums under their belts. Many times as fans we get a little jaded and roll our eyes when a well established band plays “new stuff” and if they played it twice we tuned it out. This was not the case at all and really never is with Lucero. I was lucky enough to find a video from the show on YouTube and convert “Texas & Tennessee” into a live Mp3 which held me over till this release. So check out the EP! It is streaming on Spin’s website and if you like it buy a copy. Better yet go see Lucero live. I will be seeing them for the 6th time tomorrow night in Madison and can’t wait to hear Ben & The Boys play the classics but also anything off this new EP.

Tour link
Click on the Album Art to hear the new EP

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April 23, 2013 · 10:08 pm

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